Friday, November 13, 2009

Cracker Jacks - Faye Torgerson

The bottom photo is called Cracker Jacks and was designed by Kaye Evans. I gave it to Faye Torgerson for my Christmas wallhanging exchange. I loved Kaye's class so much that I took it twice, first at Ruby's Inn and later at my last Annual Meeting.

Jesus and Mary - Lorna

My trapunto plan really didn't work out with this project, so I outlined the picture in decorative thread. I gave it to Lorna for Christmas.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

3-D Kaleidoscope - Linda Johnson

This top was made in March or April of 2005 at a retreat in Park City. Theresa, Deb, and I went together and I designed and sewed this while we were there along with my Kaleidoscope (Bali Passion Mystery) quilt made from Batiks. The pattern itself was not my design, but the folded insert idea was. I peeled back the insert pieces and stitched them down as I quilted it.

I quilted it that year and gave it to Linda Johnson for our Christmas wallhanging swap.